
Es werden Posts vom Januar, 2015 angezeigt.


Hey guys, I just wanted to tell you that I got a match with a family. They are perfect for me. They are from New York and have 3 wonderful boys. I'm going to keep you updated from now on. I'm leaving February 15/16th and am super excited. Greetings Lisa Hallöle :) Ich hab ein match. Ich habe die perfekte Familie für mich gefunden und kann es kaum erwarten, dass es losgeht. Mitte Februar werde ich ausreise. Sie haben 3 wundervolle Jungs und ich bin echt gespannt auf mein Au Pair Jahr,ich hab das Gefühl, dass es einfach fantastisch wird. Ich melde mich bald wieder. Lisa

Excited !!!

Hey Guys I just got the mail that I am now unlocked and officialy available for host families to contact me. I'm so excited, that only took them 2 days instead of 2 weeks. I'm going to post as soon as a family contacts me. Just did a little happy dance for myself. Going to keep you updated. Bye :) Hallööle :) Ich bin so happy, ich wurde freigschaltet und bin jetzt offiziell für Gastfamilien sichtbar. Und statt den vorher genannten 2 Wochen, waren es jetzt nur 2 Tage. Ich melde mich wieder sobald sich die erste Gastfamilie gemeldet hat. Ich hab einen freudentanz gemacht als ich die E-Mail gelesen habe. Bis später :)

Application send to the US =)

Hey Guys :) It's me again. Today I got the mail that my application is send to the US and that I have to complete a personality test. It was super easy and there really are now wring answers. They wanted to know more about your character. For example, do you get angry easily, do you think of yourself as a leader etc. Totally easy and does not take longer than 15 minutes. Don't be nervous about it, it's really easy and nothing to serious. If you don't know a answer, be spontaneous and choose the one that comes to your mind first. That'll be the right answer. Now I have to wait, until AuPairCare reviewed my whole application. But in the mail it says, that it'll take 2 weeks and my Au Pair room will be activated and host families can take a look at it. I'll post again, when my account is unlocked. Bye  Hallöle :) Kurzer Zwischenstand mal wieder. Habe heute die E-Mail bekommen, dass meine Bewerbung in die USA zu AuPairCare geschickt worden ist...


Hey, it's me again. Just a little Update, that I'm currently waiting for a mail from Ayusa-Intrax. They still have to send my application to the US to AuPairCare to let them have a look at it again. Waiting, waiting, waiting .... Gonna keep you all updated :)

Happy New Year

I wish you all a happy  and fantastic new year 2015 with a lot of love and fun and adventures  :)